Irish Draughts

Cerulean Mick Swagger SOLD!
2022 Irish Draught Sport Horse Gelding
Jaz Poco Zorro/Cerulean Nightingale, Class 1 RID
Should mature to 15.2 to 15.3 hands
About Mick
Mick has exceeded our expectations in every way. Not only is he supremely bred top and bottom, but we believe his movement will be highly rewarded in competition. He has fluid, smooth, ride-all-day gaits, is extremely uphill and jumps everything in sight. This colt will be highly versatile with equal aptitude for dressage, jumping, eventing, foxhunting and many other disciplines.
His pedigree combines the best of the Irish Draught and the 100% original Foundation Quarter Horse. His dam, Cerulean Nightingale, is highly regarded internationally for her traditional type, movement, jump and temperament. She earned Class 1 at her IDHSNA inspections with a rare score of 83 for temperament as she stood motionless when, without warning, the entire jump chute collapsed 2 feet from where she was standing. Nightingale is a brave Foxhunter often leading the hunt when terrain gets precarious.
Nightingale is out of the world-renown, Roma Blue Hawk, RID 2x Hornby Premium by Bridon Belfrey, RID IDHSNA Champion and many-time champion producer in Dressage, Eventing, Show Jumping, Vaulting, Endurance and Huntsman horses. Through her dam side, Nightingale's pedigree offers rare outcross lines of the most influential broodmare sire, Blue Henry, RID. Her grand dam is the greatest mare in Irish Draught history, Roma Blue Wind, RID, 5x Hornby Premium, National Irish Horse Premier mare and undefeated Supreme Show Champion in 2 countries. Blue Wind’s Dam, Kiltowra Glee, RID, is also a Hornby Premium Mare from the very rare bloodline of Windgap Hero. Nightingale's grand sire on her dam's side was multiple Royal Dublin Society winner, Rakish Paddy, RID who was also one of only 2 RID Grade A International Show Jumpers at the time.
Nightingale's sire, Bridon Belfrey, RID has the other Grade A International Show Jumper, Flagmount King, RID in his pedigree. Bridon Belfrey, RID comes from very strong distinguished jumping lines of Laughton, Tara, Skippy, Atlantic Boy, Rusheen Hero and infamous, King of Diamonds. Belfrey’s dam, Flagmount Belle, RID, won numerous IDHS(NA) championships and earned the prestigious title of Irish Draught Champion of North America. Her flawless conformation destined all of her foals to win IDHS(NA) Champion or Reserve Champion Foal. Belfrey's grand dam is the all-time greatest producing dam of Approved RID stallion sons in Irish Draught history, Gowran Betty, RID. Gowran Betty, RID paired with one of the most notable jumping sires, King of Diamonds, made headlines with 7 Approved Registered Irish Draught stallions.
This IDSH colt is sired by NFQHA treasure, Jaz Poco Zorro, 100% NFQHA. The National Foundation Quarter Horse is the unaltered original Quarter Horse that settled the American West. The American Bulldog Quarter Horse worked rigorous endless days on rugged terrain sprinting to sort and pen cattle, rope, herd and pack. This breed is prized for fierce bravery, cow-sense, intelligence, hardiness, superior athleticism and unequalled calm temperament. The NRHA, ARHA and NCHA have modeled modern AQHA-recognized ranch horse show classes after daily ranch life of the American Bulldog Quarter Horse.
Cerulean Farm's NFQHA bulldog stallion solidifies Bulldog type, ample bone, strong, roomy hooves, world-class bloodlines and a 10+ temperament. His exceptionally balanced conformation, deep haunches, well-angled shoulder and hind limbs produce dressage-like movement, elasticity and superior athleticism/versatility. He competed successfully in team penning and team sorting. Zorro's pedigree is highly regarded some of the best of Poco Bueno, King, Beaver Creek and the great NFQHA producer, Little Steel Dust. Most importantly, Zorro is out of arguably the greatest Foundation broodmare of all time, Bains Showdown Dun.
This Irish Draught Sport Horse colt has exceptionally balanced conformation, very correct limbs and fantastic hind leg and shoulder angles. He has smooth lines, yet is well-muscled and light on his feet. He is very intelligent and has a gentle disposition. Should mature to 16.0 hands.
Ultimate versatility prospect...dressage, jumping, eventing, foxhunting, vaulting, endurance, trail, driving. All of our foals are well-socialized and have the best veterinarian and expert performance farrier care. Great attention devoted to proper nutrition, vitamins and especially minerals to ensure optimal health and proper growth. Price includes IDHSNA registration.